Thursday, October 31, 2019
Health promotion theroy Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Health promotion theroy - Coursework Example This theory is normally based on the fact that the readiness of an individual to act depends on his or her own perceptions. These perceptions include severity of the consequences, the potential benefits, and cost of taking that particular action as well as the susceptibility. The main advantage of this theory is that subsequent interventions can be planned and made on the basis of the response of an individual towards these concepts. This theory was purposely developed to respond to the issue of the failure of the free TB health screening plan. This model can be used to look into a number of both short-term and long-term health behaviors which include the transmission of HIV/AIDS and other sexual risk behaviors (Glanz & Lewis, 2002). This theory argues that a person will normally take a health-related act such as using a condom if he feels that HIV can be avoided, expects a positive result by using protection and if he believes that he can effectively take an optional health action. This theory is very useful when planning for the community health program. You will be in a position to predict the proper plan of action to take after taking these studies in the community. However, it is worth noting that the theory does not look into other aspects of the individual such as the environment in which they live (John,
Monday, October 28, 2019
Weekly refection Essay Example for Free
Weekly refection Essay Home Page  » Business and Management Mgt 521. Weekly Reflection In: Business and Management Mgt 521. Weekly Reflection Weekly Reflection MGT/521 Learning Team A Team A: Weekly Reflection In this paper, Learning Team A will collaborate on Week One objectives while expressing our level of comfort and discomfort to the following topics: †¢ Identify channels for business communications †¢ Evaluate credibility and validity of sources of information. †¢ Develop effective arguments The information addressed within our Weekly Reflection will provide direction for effectively distinguishing between formal and informal business communication channels. In addition, Learning Team A agrees that identifying the proper business communication channel will ensure the appropriate channels are used and messages are transmitted efficiently through the communication process. Lastly, Learning Team A will also address how the weekly topics relate to our field of business. Team A: Identify channels for business communications In efforts of identifying the various channels for business communication Learning Team A was able to relate to and understand collectively the various forms of communication used within business. We all share the common fact of possessing secure employment; however, the areas of business vary from entrepreneurship, management, and the medical field. Considering our areas of employment differ with regards to the area of business in which we all specialize in, they all come down to the some of the same channels for business communication. Two primary channels of business included face to face and email communication. Within entrepreneurship, management and the medical field utilizing the benefits of face to face and email communication is most effective. In the area of patient care, customer service and management, conducting one’s self within direct proximity of another individual is extremely common.
Saturday, October 26, 2019
Human Resource Managers Of Coca Cola Company
Human Resource Managers Of Coca Cola Company There are many large or small enterprises from all developed or developing countries which are already or are in the process of going global and being international. There are lots of things that are helping to an international business in this time such as being international travel much easier and quicker. Global communication has became easier and increased the quality of life. Likewise transfer of new technology around the world making global business and employment easier which is leading to migration of large number of labours market around the world. Among which Coca Cola Company is also one of the largest multinational company. Its headquarter is in America and has number of regional office almost all around the world. They have got large number of staff all around the world. In context of coca cola company, they are applying the procedure and different models of international human resource development. The role of international human resource managers is significantly high in such kinds of organization. As we know that, this is a growing MNE. The things that brought forward the trend of globalization are ; international market that have need, expectation and wants, difference in the cost of production of goods and employee costs among different countries, law and order with government policies on tax and import and export of goods and its limitations along with the activities of competitors. HR managers have to be capable of understanding and responding all these kinds of trends so, that they can gain an idea to differentiate between domestic-based HR management and international human resource management. According to Schuler and colleagues they have define international human resource management on the both part of strategic and international of multinational enterprises such as Coca Cola Company. They are trying to expand the congested function of HR to border function for expatriation. Strategic IHRM is human resource management issues, functions and policies and practices that result from the strategic activities of multinational enterprises and that impact on the international concerns and goals of those enterprises (Schuler, 1993). In my opinion, the responsibility of international Human Resource Managers can be discussed in two ways. One way is that a multinational company have to recruit an employee to send abroad for some specific task and for some time period. But in another context like in UK, there is multi domestic company where many international employee are working together which is the result of globalization. So, HR managers have to address both duty. A company like coca cola which is a MNE, they have to send their employee on international assignments. Human resource managers are getting problem in many ways for such cases, sometimes with disastrous results. There may be many reason for that but one may be the reason that HR managers send their staffs on abroad jobs without providing efficient pre-training or providing some period for the transitional stage. In this time, they can provide some kinds of guidance and essential management skills and tackling tactics in various scenarios by human resource managers along with HR and companys international policies. The human resource managers of coca cola company are now a days, equipping an employee with specific reference and essential skills to be successful on international jobs. They are following the standard procedure as well as realistic one. HR managers are taking special consideration while they are performing selection, giving training and managing performance. For example, now coca cola company, while they are appointing an employee as a sales managers or representative to India, they prefer to choose Indian employee or an employee who knows better Indian culture because, he can better perform in his familiar environment rather than any other new one. He can adapt easily in that environment which is a beneficial part for Coca Cola Company. If they appoint any other new person who is unknown of that culture, this will directly affect the performance of an employee and also he need more training and required more knowledge which will be costly for HR managers. Therefore, the role of human resource managers is very important while they are selecting an employee for an organization who needs to work in different cultural environment. There should be a valid reason for selecting a candidate for that job not just appointing haphazardly. HR managers have to set a bit different procedure to select an employee who is working in domestic cultural environment and in international cultural environment. HR managers have to look for all specific key skills within the candidate and find the correct one. Somehow this may looks like an very difficult to find a ideal candidate who has desire to go abroad with his abilities. According to a 2002 study,expatriates wanted their human resource departments to above all eliminate unnecessary uncertainty and ambiguity (Gomez-Mejia, Balkin and Cardy, 2004: 321). Providing a relevant training is the most effective ways to get good productivity from an employee. For an employee who is going abroad, HR managers have to provide pre-departure training like local culture, values and attitudes. When an employee have to go for abroad, their family member also need a cross cultural training as a plus point. Before arriving an expatriate in host country it is beneficial if he gets some kinds of orientation and training programs. In case of coca cola, they have potential competitor like Pepsi cola and other cold drinks multinational company so it is important to encourage an employee who has got knowledge and skills in order to retain these people. The knowledge gain by an employee from abroad is very precious rather than gain within home country because they have got a chance to work in a different environment and they have been tackled through different situations. International human resource managers have found that employee relations vary significantly from country to country and that the strategies used to motivate workers in one country are sometimes useless in another country(Katz Elsea, 1997). Coca cola company is a western company and this company has also tend to think like many other westerners do as contract in extremely legal, scientific terms, and when it is signed both parties are bounded by its conditions and policies. That once it is signed all parties will simply abide by its terms. But there is different culture in other countries like in china they wants to grow a good relation with the management after the contract and after when they start to know each other. Hence, HR managers need to consider openness, originality and flexibility not just only learning prior to enter in a countries as a MNE which have different culture. Coca cola company is a large MNE and they have invested large amount of resource in there employee for some specific project. This is very important to manage the performance of employees in overseas situation by taking regular feedback and assess them properly. Such kind of things can be helpful to minimize the threat of future expensive mistake, like paying for unsuccessful employees recruiting and training expanses. In case of employee payment it is obvious that there is different, depending on the specific country they are assigning for. This is a duty or responsibility of HR managers that to state the policies and terms and conditions in noticeable manner about remuneration among similar position in other countries. Above we have discussed in the prospective of a coca cola company in the global context and recruitment selection and performance management for their employee. This is all about the IME when they have to assigning the expertise to overseas. As we said there is the increasing role of international human resource managers to make or to prepare for the change of culture and help them to adjust in the change environment. Motivating and managing performance of abroad employee by providing proper reward system and providing proper allowances is also the main job of human resource managers. Besides that, International recruitment from overseas countries for employment in the home market is also the other major role for international human resource managers. They are also responsible for managing diversity, helping them in adjusting in new cultural environment, proper management of their performance and providing benefits from company. In this time of globalization labour market has became smaller so, people are moving from one country to another countries for employment process. For a company situated in a home country, they have also recruited an employee from different cultural diversity. Employees from diversified culture provide some kind of advantages and disadvantages in an organization. Therefore, there could arises conflict among the employees within own company, even with mangers also. If, HR managers look at the advantage side, they have the advantage of diversity for the company. They can innovate the idea of cutting of the costs, productivity and the increases new ideas for the forces of work; the development of the quality of the managing procedure; the capacity of employees to use points of view, styles for leading and different landing in the process of taking decisions and in cultivation of the new ideas. Employee can analyse and work within themselves when they have got problem at work.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Social Democracy Cures Social Inequality Essays -- Poverty Welfare Pol
For the last several hundred years with the advent of capitalism and urbanization, the spark that the enlightenment was, has reshaped the world as we know it. Great things were promised from this revolution, but as proven by time and experience this is not the case. Most humans living today are living in poverty and misery with little hope of escaping it; there is a small minority however who live in extravagance and abundance and whose main goal is to keep this arrangement persisting. The most significant problem/disease in our lives today is poverty and social democracy can cure it. Capitalism in its design needs poverty or at the very least excels when poverty is rampant. Liberalism’s focus on individuality does not do enough to protect the impoverished and solve inequality. Conservatism blatantly adores poverty and accepts inequality as natural. Socialism is a great concept but it is completely unrealistic and would only happen through a revolution which in today’s society is highly unlikely. This paper will begin by analyzing the ideologies and there failings in regards to social inequality, and poverty. Beginning with Liberalism, although many of the core liberal ideas have been accepted by all ideologies today, liberalism does only so much to end poverty, most people do not get a fair shake as this paper will show. Next this paper will discuss conservatism’s complete disregard for social policy and its anti-social policies. Thirdly socialism and its current unrealistic goals will be discussed. Finally, Social democracy will be analyzed, its pro-social attitudes while working within the capitalist economy. Liberalism is the dominant ideology of the industrialized countries, in regards that all other ideologies have accepte... ...t has realistic goals that can be achieved through reform. By slow transformation we can rein in capitalisms evils, and help achieve a more equal society. Works Cited Hayes, M. (1994). The New Right in Britian: An Introduction to Theory and Practice. Colorado: Pluto Press. Heywood, A. (2003). Political Ideologies: An Introduction. 3rd Ed. Houndmills, Palgrave Macmillan. Johnston, L. (2001). Ideology. Peterborough: Broadview. McNally, D. (2006). Another World Is Possible: Globalization & Anti-Capitalism . Winnipeg, Canada: Arbeiter Ring Publishing. Miliband, R. (1994). Socialism for a Sceptical Age. London: Verso. Mullaly, B. (1997). Structural Social Work: Ideology, Theory and Practice. 2nd Ed. Toronto: Oxford University Press. Patriquin, L. (2004). Inventing Tax Rage: Misinformation in the National Post. Halifax, Nova Scotia: Fernwood Publishing.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
New York Life – Marketing Management Case Analysis
BAB25 – Case analysis 2: New York Life and Immediate Annuities Unlike the old days where a retiree could rest assured that they could live out the rest of their life on their pension and social security checks, the retirees of today receive their pensions paid out in a lump sum that takes the place of the pension check, but encompasses the total amount a retiree has to live on until they pass away. This creates uncertainty in the amount a retiree can spend per month, and if the total amount is sufficient to last them until they pass away. Immediate annuities help to create certainty in the financial situation of retirees. While retirees can be certain that they will receive a social security check each month, the amount of income they are able to receive from their pensions can vary depending on their contribution plan. Immediate annuities are a one-time purchase that guarantees a monthly payment for the remainder of the purchaser’s life. They solve the problem well as they take away the uncertainty of where a retiree can receive their income from, they are the â€Å"ideal vehicle to guarantee retirees a lifetime income†(Rotemberg & Gourville, 2010, p. ). Generally speaking, neither the buyers (the retirees) nor the sellers (agents/advisors) of immediate annuities are very enthusiastic about them. Consumers have several interrelated reasons for not buying immediate annuities. Firstly people are often not familiar with immediate annuities, which evidently causes fewer buyers. Then, buying immediate annui ties means spending a large sum of money as usually immediate annuities cost at least $100. 000 or more. This large sum of money has to be paid at once, while the purchase is irrevocable which causes doubts, most importantly because the retiree does not know if they will live long enough to make the purchase profitable. If not, more money will be put in the purchase than they will get out of it, meaning it is quite a gamble to buy immediate annuities (Rotemberg & Gourville, 2010). The agents and advisors that are supposed to sell immediate annuities, on the other hand, also have their doubts. Investment advisors actively manage their clients’ money. Immediate annuities do not allow for this as it is a one-time investment. This also means that the advisor/agent gets a one-time commission, which is less profitable compared to collecting multiple fees from one client over time for revocable investments (Rotemberg & Gourville, 2010). Additionally, advisors/agents often also do not have enough knowledge of the product, making it very hard to sell. Agents/advisors that do have knowledge of the product often state that immediate annuities are a bad retirement product. Only 9% of financial advisors (strongly) prefer the product, against 64% having a (very) weak preference for it (Morgan Stanley Research, 2007, as used in Rotemberg & Gourville, 2010). New York Life (NYL) has set its mind on growing the Guaranteed Lifetime Income (GLI) business in the future, but faces several possible paths in order to reach this goal. To be as cost-efficient as possible, we think that the company should select its pool of end-customers wisely. The focus on retirees should be maintained and even enforced, as many still do not know the products proposed by NYL. Furthermore, the focus should be broadened to a larger target group, to include the â€Å"typical†customers of the companies, families with children. As noted by Rotemberg and Gourville (2010), NYL tends to build long term relations with its clients, as agents follow them over time and sell multiple contracts to them. We can think that an ageing family would present a â€Å"risk management mindset†, as their children's future is not secured yet. We can hence position the product by presenting it as a safe solution adapted to one's own needs. Differentiating the product from those of NYL's competitors is important; potential clients of GLI annuities should understand the superior benefits of the product. Building on the company's reputation, GLI annuities should be promoted as a long term investment from a responsible company, concerned with its customers and providing long term relations between agents and customers. In order to reach a greater public and change customers' mindsets, we need to strengthen the core components of the company. For this, we believe that the focus should be put on NYL's agents rather than collaboration with investors that would force NYL to compromise on its values and products. While the pool of agents is already significant, only 4000 of them sold GLI annuities, as only 40% of the 11,500 agents had received the training specific to the product (Rotemberg & Gourville, 2010, p. 12). Therefore we believe that the GLI business would grow if all agents are trained to improve their knowledge of the products and hence their services to customers. We believe that the pool of agents should be increased gradually as number of customers grows in order to sustain the aforementioned values of NYL while the price of GLI annuities should not be changed, considering the customized services NYL provides. Instead, they need to focus on convincing customers that they're worth their price as their product is unique. i. e. NYL needs to emphasize the novel aspects of its product to differentiate from competitors', while promotion should be built on NYL's values.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Balance as the Center of Ones Life essays
Balance as the Center of Ones Life essays Balance, our world depends upon it physically, psychologically, and spiritually. This principle, although easy to overlook, is the foundation of my personal philosophy. Without balance there is no harmony, no conflict and no growth. Any productive result, any achievement, any strength is useless without it. The balance in my world is achieved by these fundamental beliefs: God exists, and yet evil exists; all humanity does have free will and all these beliefs contribute to the development of a meaning for life. All of these beliefs are components of each other, an interdependent relationship that creates my personal philosophy. Each values participation in my final belief is measured and balanced to a precise amount, leaving an end result of harmony, certainty, belief and faith. I. God exists Of all the questions that face man, the question of Gods existence is the most important. This is true not only for a persons salvation, but because of the way this will influence all other belie fs. A belief in God will act like a polarizing factor in someones life, affecting the way that they think and reason about almost anything. If a person does not believe in God, this too will cause great change in the way that life is perceived. The change that this belief brings to a person is best illustrated by Immanuel Kants proposition that certain conditions change our ability to perceive things. Kants postulation is described by Jostein Gaarder, who writes, there are certain conditions governing the minds operation which influence the way we experience the world (p. 326). Although this explanation of Kant was referring to how time and space influence our ability to reason, this would also extend to a belief in God. A belief in God influences all areas of a persons life, especially the purpose and intent of what our lives mean, or should mean. The question of Gods existence has been deb...
Monday, October 21, 2019
Stag Beetles, Family Lucanidae
Stag Beetles, Family Lucanidae Stag beetles are some of the biggest, worst bugs on the planet (at least they look bad!). These beetles are so named for their antler-like mandibles. In Japan, enthusiasts collect and rear stag beetles, and even stage battles between the males. Description Stag beetles (family Lucanidae) do get quite large, which is why they are so popular with beetle collectors. In North America, the largest species measures just over 2 inches, but tropical stag beetles can easily top 3 inches. These sexually dimorphic beetles also go by the name pinch bugs. Male stag beetles sport impressive mandibles, sometimes as long as half their body, which they use to spar with competing males in battles over territory. Though they may look threatening, you dont need to fear these enormous beetles. Theyre generally harmless but may give you a good nip if you try to handle them carelessly. Stag beetles are typically reddish-brown to black in color. Beetles in the family Lucanidae possess antennae with 10 segments, with the end segments often enlarged and appearing clubbed. Many, but not all, have elbowed antennae as well.​ Classification Kingdom – Animalia Phylum – Arthropoda Class – Insecta Order – Coleoptera Family - Lucanidae Diet Stag beetle larvae are important decomposers of wood. They live in dead or decaying logs and stumps. Adult stag beetles may feed on leaves, sap, or even honeydew from aphids. Life Cycle Like all beetles, stag beetles undergo complete metamorphosis with four stages of development: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. Females usually lay their eggs under the bark on fallen, rotting logs. The white, c-shaped stag beetle larvae develop over one or more years. Adults emerge in late spring or early summer in most areas. Special Adaptations and Defenses Stag beetles will use their impressive size and massive mandibles to defend themselves if needed. When it feels threatened, a male stag beetle may lift its head and open its mandibles, as if to say, Go ahead, try me. In many parts of the world, stag beetle numbers have declined due to forest defragmentation and the removal of dead trees in populated areas. Your best chance of seeing one may be observing one near your porch light on a summer evening. Stag beetles do come to artificial light sources, including light traps. Range and Distribution: Worldwide, stag beetles number around 800 species. Just 24-30 species of stag beetles inhabit mostly forested areas of North America. The largest species live in tropical habitats. Sources Borror and Delongs Introduction to the Study of Insects, 7th Edition, by Charles A. Triplehorn and Norman F. JohnsonInsects: Their Natural History and Diversity, by Stephen A. MarshallStag Beetles of Kentucky, University of Kentucky Entomology Department
Sunday, October 20, 2019
buy custom The Company Database essay
buy custom The Company Database essay The company database should include the below information and tables that have to be included. The specific information should seek to indentify a specific aspect in the company. Tables are listed for clarity before designing a database so that the designer may have a clear view of the information required to be included in the data base (Davis, 2010). Below is a set of tables with the relevant information for each table Company table Information to be included in the data base tables - The companys name - The city that the company is situated in Suppliers table - The names of each supplier - The city of each supplier Purchases table - The name of the company doing the purchases - the purchase date of the transaction - The number of items bought by each company or client - The date of each transaction Employee table - The name of each employee - The ID of each employee - City of each employee - Sex of each employee - Data of birth of each employee Departmental table - The ID of the department - The name of the company Perimeters to a database are included to restrict access to such database for parties tat are not required to access private information or those who do not have permission to access the database according to Moody Shanks (2002), such perimeters for access should be defined to allow only the intended party to log on or affect any change in the data base. An example of these perimeter conditions is as follows. Logon credentials Contact name User Name Security R Logon status The last logo Eg. Steve Jones Jones01 Administrator Active 10/06/09 6:03PM Group table administrator Manager Standard Restricted Browse Create or edit group Delete My groups Delete Other users groups Create/delete/edit my activities Custom activity management Manage my resources Update my activities Manage my priority list Buy custom The Company Database essay
Saturday, October 19, 2019
LET3 (Leadership) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
LET3 (Leadership) - Essay Example Evidently, the marketing manager and accounting manager in the case study hold positional power which is backed by the organizational policy. The reward power reflects the ability of the power to offer valued material rewards including money, time off, promotions, or other desired gifts. In the case study, the marketing department of the corporation (or marketing manager) provides large bonus to its employees who achieve a superior rating on their yearly performance evaluation; here, the organization employs the power of reward. The personal power can be referred to people’s ability to â€Å"attract others, to build strong interpersonal relationships, to persuade and build loyalty†(Mason, 2009, p.55). The case context indicates that the employee 3 has personal power because he/she could reach the project leadership position regardless of his/her experience in the organization. Even though, the employee 3 had been inexperienced as compared to most other employees in the firm, he/she could dominate his/her co-workers with his/her personal power. The expert power represents a form of power that people derives from their skills, knowledge, and experience and it is highly specific and limited to the particular area. From the given scenario, it seems that the employee 2 has expert power in the corporation as he is the only certified public accountant (CPA) in the firm. CPA is a highly expert and specific position which is not easily attainable for everyone. Finally, the coercive power refers to the application of fear-based influence on others. For instance, the marketing manager can apply a coercive power over employees as he has the authority to rate the employee performance. As every employee wishes to be rated top, they are compelled to be under the coercive power of the marketing manager. B. Dependency and power are two interrelated concepts by which an individual attains more power when another person or unit is more dependent
Friday, October 18, 2019
Principles of Law Enforcement Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Principles of Law Enforcement - Case Study Example In addition, the paper will talk about responsibilities of the fusion center once the list is compiled in relation to the scenario. Question 1: Categories of critical infrastructure that should concern law enforcers Critical infrastructure was a term that came to be used in the military during the mid 90’s. Meteoric increase in cyber communications linked the infrastructures which were vital to the economy and defense of many countries. The common infrastructures are owned and run by private sectors. They include telecommunications, gas/ oil storage and transportation, electrical power systems, banking and finance, water supply, transportation and emergency services. The critical infrastructures are divided in two categories; physical threat (damage to tangible property), and cyber attack (threat to the electronic/ computer-based systems). Law enforcers should issue threat and warning notices whenever they notice of any risks posed by these critical infrastructures. Question 2 : Structures that should be listed as critical targets A structure that stands critically always to be checked by law enforcement bodies falls as the use of force in reporting (Arcaro 68). Some of the structures that should be considered as critical targets in the country include telecommunications, gas/ oil storage and transportation, electrical power systems, banking and finance, water supply, transportation and emergency services. Policing requires that sometimes an officer must implement control of an assaultive, violent, or resisting individual to carry out an arrest, or to defend the officer, other officers, or individuals of the common public from a risk of impending harm. Question 3: Should local politics be involved in developing principles of law enforcement In many rival states, core governing bodies like the legislation, police and judiciary all too often operated as separate entities. Modest support existed, and they often clashed over who would control productive sourc es of revenue such as imposing â€Å"taxes†for services and selling jobs to diverse criminal enterprises (Arcaro 69). These diverse enterprises involved trafficking in children and women, stealing, narcotics, diamonds and similar resources. These organs hardly ever fulfilled their duties as defined by law, which was one of the direct causes of the divergence. So a major test, for mediators will be to assist professionalizes each of these organs while at the same time build bridges between and among them where restricted earlier exchanges existed. Overcoming turf awareness and insular instincts tend to be difficult, especially where power and control falls as a finite factor, and one group’s gain leads to another’s loss (Arcaro 70). Question 4: Way forward for fusion centers Fusion centers play a crucial role in collection, evaluation and distribution of information on terrorism to other law enforcers in order to maintain peace in a country. Some disciplines suc h as the law enforcement characterize a core constituent of the fusion process in connection with the relationship between terrorism and crime and also the fact that these authorities are suited to coordinate such efforts both locally and statewide. A set of procedure for the way forward for fusion centers of the local includes the following: 1. They ought to recognize the names of all police officers in their centers. Maintain a precise and updated record of all law enforcement officers
The Slum Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
The Slum - Essay Example That experience was horrible and embarrassing for any lady and these types of experiences were common for slum dwellers. The experiences of the slum dwellers will shock the readers and make them feel shame. They will a world apart, a beleaguered service sector, work force that surrounds new economy, which remains feeling bad about the unmet needs and desires. The health of those people should be taken care by some others like social service organizations or by the governments as they don't have enough money to spend lavishly on quality health services. Most of the medical facilities which are available with five star facilities and costly were just a dream for the people living in slums. The way the doctors, nurses and midwives deal with patients resemble class politics. Though some of nurses and midwives were part of the slums they treat their co dwellers as second grade citizens. The difference that has been shown and being shown was a result of the discrimination shown by the peop le who employ them. The homes of the people in the slums are not comfortable, forget about spaciousness. The myriad physical activities between the adults during night will not have any privacy and there is very much chance of exposed to children. This makes both adults and children psychologically depressed. This depression results in pessimism in many people and determination in only a few of people. So majority of the slum dwellers do not enjoy or achieve much in their life. If one or two achieve their stories will be an example to study. This shows that success is not common in slums as it was in other areas. The main reason for this is not only the psychological depression caused due to living in uncomfortable houses but also the economical inability to join their children in the schools that offer quality education. The schools which accommodate slum children do not have qualified teachers or a play ground for the children to play. The class rooms can be considered as prison type and the children will feel quarantined rather than getting a learning experience. All the twenty four hours in the day will make the children to feel discomfort in one or the other way. The lack of satisfaction in them makes them vulnerable for various temptations of wrong doings. Majority of the children grow as youngsters to be attracted towards the illegal activities or towards the low wage jobs. This makes them again living in slums. Only the candidates who are meritorious congenitally will thrive in the education and get scholarships or lift in the society. The income of those people will hardly meet with the expenses of the comforts. When they go out they look for the facility which will give less expenditure. They do not bother about the comforts or in one sense they invite discomfort for the sake of saving money. They prefer to stay in the car or a bus for the night instead of taking a room in the hotel when they are outdoors. This is due to their financial inability to meet the expenses of both boarding and lodging when they go out. If one is met the other must be sacrificed. Generally they choose for meeting the boarding expenses and just adjust with the lodging facilities. The people in urban slums live in a type of settlement environment. This makes them insecure as they are supposed to evict at any time. The housing is not durable and precarious. As more number of people live in
Field Trip Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Field Trip Journal - Essay Example I even found myself loving the class more and more, especially when we began discussing the textbook and the beach types. By the time we started going for the trips, I was already in love with Marine Biology. A number of field trips that we went during the semester made the class more fun and lively and indeed, I learnt a number of things during these trips. Here is my journal on the various field trips that we went to. On 9th March 2013, we visited the Cabrillo Marion Aquarium. We arrived at around midday. The professor and the tour guide showed us around the shore. He told us to take care and be watchful of the animals and avoid those that were likely to harm us. He insisted on the safety measures that he had taught us. We then started the trip, and looked at the various animals in the aquarium. The various marine animals in the aquarium include the Lion Nudibranchia, which is a soft bodied animal. I learnt that it normally sheds it after the larval stage. I found it quite confusin g with the sea slug, and could not tell where their difference lay. Bat star (Patiria miniata) has five arms with a centre disc which is very wide. I was able to identify the many colours that the animals had, which were green, purple, red, orange, yellow and brown. I found it rather funny that an animal could have so many colours. Among the rocks I could make out the Giant sea star, (Pisaster giganteus) especially due to its huge size and the length of its arms which were very long. I also saw the warty sea cucumber (Parastichopus parvimensis) and felt its soft body that was cylindrical in shape. Its skin was leathery and which is either reddish brown or yellow in colour. California spiny lobster scared me with the huge body and large antennae that protruded from its head. I wondered how it would feel like for the animal carrying such large antennae on its forehead, imagining that it must get tired at times. California moray eel looked so ugly to me, with the huge mouth and the roc k like body that made it appear uglier and disgusting to look at. After visiting the aquarium, I think that looking and observing these marine creatures in real person is very different from studying them in a textbook. I felt that they are living, with their funny features, and sometimes weird nature making me awe at their uniqueness. I would suggest to the Cabrillo marine aquarium to assign bigger tanks or separate them because they appear to be too squeezed and uncomfortable. The following trip was to the Marine Mammal Care Centre that was on the 20th March 2013. The centre is a rehabilitation place for various animals in California, especially those that are hurt and the ones that cannot properly look after themselves. I felt quite sorry for the ones that were really wounded. However, the attendants who were mostly volunteers made me feel compassionate about animals. Their devotion towards the animals made me look at animal kingdom in a different way. While some people kill anim als for food and others wound them, some take care of their mess. There were two animals that I greatly mistook for sea lions since I had not gotten much used to their differences apart from the textbook pictures. However, I realized from the sign on the cage that they were On 27th March 2013, we visited the Point Fermin. Our professor allowed us to go to up to the shore.
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Autism Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Autism - Research Paper Example The trend has also caused increased autistic cases since the last century. The book also dwells on understanding the causing factors and symptoms of the disease. However, the author does not provide a particular causing factor. This is based on that numerous factors have been cited to be responsible for the disease. For instance, genetic inheritance, exposure to birth complications, childhood vaccinations and exposure to metals can be cited as causing factors. The book also cited numerous symptoms that are associated with autism. The main focus is, however, done on the repetitive nature of autistic people. In addition, other symptoms are associated with neurological disorders. As a child develops, numerous health challenges are experienced before they reach full development. The development of a child should require their participation in social activities. In addition, the ability of a child to use their physical abilities should also be monitored. Malfunctions of these activities may depict a weaknesses or suffering from an illness. Volkmar (2007) is of the assumption that the health of a child is determined by their ability of fit their environment without many complications. Medical complications may be evidence of an existing illness of health complication. For instance, autism affects children below three years. Autism distorts the ability of the child to socialize effectively as well as take part in physical activities. Volkmar (2007) defines autism as a neurodevelopment disorder depicted by poor social interaction behavior, nonverbal and verbal communication. This medical illness makes it impossible for a child to fit in their environment. Volkmar (2007) points out that, autism has been existence for years but no certain cure has been created to curb the illness or ensure recovery of children affected. Autism is depicted by numerous characteristics and causing factors. The causing
After the American revolution conflicts between the North and South Essay
After the American revolution conflicts between the North and South - Essay Example The southern states majorly depended on cotton growing as their main source of revenue. There, however, existed a range of factories in the north of which most were agriculture based, as grain processing. The economy of the north was diverse with several other factories, apart from agriculture based. The southern states had slavery as the source of labor in their plantations (Jordan xii). This was among the issues that exacerbated the south with their northern counterparts. While the southern plantation owners embraced slavery, the north had it declared as an odd institution. The north and south had divergent economic interests. This difference possibly triggered the enmity that, among other factors, promoted the civil war. There was a notable difference in the labor forces between the north and south. The north consisted of a majority of skilled workers that made the labor market competitive while the south mainly used semiskilled and manual labor. There were high tariffs in the north, contrary to the south where there were low tariffs. The high tariffs shielded to the industries in the north from competition. The north and south had differences including their locations of land in the continent. While the northern states fall in the northern hemisphere, the southern states have their situation in the southern hemisphere. The demographics of the north and south showed explicit differences. The northern population was higher than the southern given the surge of people in the north, who worked in the factories. The immigration, therefore, escalated the population of the north. Differences over land issues were among the significant causes of the historic civil war. The union states (from the north) wanted their southern counterparts (confederate states) to surrender their large plantations for the building of industries and factories. The southern states, however, were reluctant to give in to such forces. This triggered a land conflict between the north and
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Field Trip Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Field Trip Journal - Essay Example I even found myself loving the class more and more, especially when we began discussing the textbook and the beach types. By the time we started going for the trips, I was already in love with Marine Biology. A number of field trips that we went during the semester made the class more fun and lively and indeed, I learnt a number of things during these trips. Here is my journal on the various field trips that we went to. On 9th March 2013, we visited the Cabrillo Marion Aquarium. We arrived at around midday. The professor and the tour guide showed us around the shore. He told us to take care and be watchful of the animals and avoid those that were likely to harm us. He insisted on the safety measures that he had taught us. We then started the trip, and looked at the various animals in the aquarium. The various marine animals in the aquarium include the Lion Nudibranchia, which is a soft bodied animal. I learnt that it normally sheds it after the larval stage. I found it quite confusin g with the sea slug, and could not tell where their difference lay. Bat star (Patiria miniata) has five arms with a centre disc which is very wide. I was able to identify the many colours that the animals had, which were green, purple, red, orange, yellow and brown. I found it rather funny that an animal could have so many colours. Among the rocks I could make out the Giant sea star, (Pisaster giganteus) especially due to its huge size and the length of its arms which were very long. I also saw the warty sea cucumber (Parastichopus parvimensis) and felt its soft body that was cylindrical in shape. Its skin was leathery and which is either reddish brown or yellow in colour. California spiny lobster scared me with the huge body and large antennae that protruded from its head. I wondered how it would feel like for the animal carrying such large antennae on its forehead, imagining that it must get tired at times. California moray eel looked so ugly to me, with the huge mouth and the roc k like body that made it appear uglier and disgusting to look at. After visiting the aquarium, I think that looking and observing these marine creatures in real person is very different from studying them in a textbook. I felt that they are living, with their funny features, and sometimes weird nature making me awe at their uniqueness. I would suggest to the Cabrillo marine aquarium to assign bigger tanks or separate them because they appear to be too squeezed and uncomfortable. The following trip was to the Marine Mammal Care Centre that was on the 20th March 2013. The centre is a rehabilitation place for various animals in California, especially those that are hurt and the ones that cannot properly look after themselves. I felt quite sorry for the ones that were really wounded. However, the attendants who were mostly volunteers made me feel compassionate about animals. Their devotion towards the animals made me look at animal kingdom in a different way. While some people kill anim als for food and others wound them, some take care of their mess. There were two animals that I greatly mistook for sea lions since I had not gotten much used to their differences apart from the textbook pictures. However, I realized from the sign on the cage that they were On 27th March 2013, we visited the Point Fermin. Our professor allowed us to go to up to the shore.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
After the American revolution conflicts between the North and South Essay
After the American revolution conflicts between the North and South - Essay Example The southern states majorly depended on cotton growing as their main source of revenue. There, however, existed a range of factories in the north of which most were agriculture based, as grain processing. The economy of the north was diverse with several other factories, apart from agriculture based. The southern states had slavery as the source of labor in their plantations (Jordan xii). This was among the issues that exacerbated the south with their northern counterparts. While the southern plantation owners embraced slavery, the north had it declared as an odd institution. The north and south had divergent economic interests. This difference possibly triggered the enmity that, among other factors, promoted the civil war. There was a notable difference in the labor forces between the north and south. The north consisted of a majority of skilled workers that made the labor market competitive while the south mainly used semiskilled and manual labor. There were high tariffs in the north, contrary to the south where there were low tariffs. The high tariffs shielded to the industries in the north from competition. The north and south had differences including their locations of land in the continent. While the northern states fall in the northern hemisphere, the southern states have their situation in the southern hemisphere. The demographics of the north and south showed explicit differences. The northern population was higher than the southern given the surge of people in the north, who worked in the factories. The immigration, therefore, escalated the population of the north. Differences over land issues were among the significant causes of the historic civil war. The union states (from the north) wanted their southern counterparts (confederate states) to surrender their large plantations for the building of industries and factories. The southern states, however, were reluctant to give in to such forces. This triggered a land conflict between the north and
IT Applications and Groupware Essay Example for Free
IT Applications and Groupware Essay The three most important things that a company has to do so as to implement the use of groupware systems effectively starts with ensuring the collaboration of workers regarding the introduction of the technology. This initiative helps to create an image of the required culture in their mind. Further, it helps the workers to learn more about each other and creates a sense of respect among them. This strategy helps to break any antagonistic cultures in which they grew up whereby they may have been taught to work as individuals. This viewpoint creates the notion of selfishness amongst the workers. Conversely, ensuring worker cooperation helps to create a feeling of security with regard to employees providing support to the company (Thierauf, 2001). This makes them to be joint owners of the company, thus taking part in implementing the project. The workers are thus not dictated on what to do. Rather, the executive helps them to remove the obstacles amongst themselves and eliminate their resistance. Afterwards, the retraining of the workers about sharing takes place. This helps to recreate the attitude of sharing which have been eliminated from the workers’ minds by the prevailing environment. Such an undertaking begins with the introduction of education to individual persons whereby they are instructed to work as individuals. Further, they learn that to share equates to cheating within the school perspective. The employees thus tend to have a culture in them that disowns sharing. Such a culture calls for retraining. The concept of sharing helps them to work together. In turn, this development benefits the company in the sense that each employee will be allowed to make their decisions. The business thus retains the knowledgeable employees within the company. This group work also makes the output of the company to increase more than individual output. Such an outcome stems from the fact that a group can accomplish more tasks than an individual when each person is offered the opportunity to decide on how to accomplish a task (Galliers, Markus Newell, 2007). The people are thus empowered to perform by themselves. During training, the influential leaders usually start early in helping the people to change and teaching the people about the importance of groupware. This undertaking promotes every idea regarding all opportunities in the planning of any specialized training in the anticipation that all the needed users are covered. In addition, it helps to create an awareness of what will be expected of them when the group ware system will be implemented. This is because the workers regain their trust in all people with whom they were formerly taught to be distrustful by their environment. It also gives each worker an opportunity to contribute their techniques in the business whereby the best are charged with the running of the company (Khosrowpour, 2001). It also helps to make sure that all the intended people are reached and that the barriers among them broken. This creates an atmosphere within which each individual is worthy in the business and wherein their views are incorporated into the running of the premise. After training, one should plan for the growth of the firm and be prepared to rise up quickly after the implementation. This improves the attitude of the workers because they derive satisfaction from the work output. Such a development promotes and improves their working life. Consequently, the lessons which they had learned in the training are articulated in the production process. This action helps to gauge the results of the project so that one can know if to sell the project to others if the results are tangible (Khosrowpour, 2000). Further, he owners are facilitated to gauge if the groupware system is productive and if its productivity can be replicated in other related firms.
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Interaction Between The Tangible And Intangible Economics Essay
The Interaction Between The Tangible And Intangible Economics Essay Introduction: Assets is one of the most controversial concept in financial accounting. The historical accounting scientist are trying to give a satisfactory definition of the assets, but so far, an authoritative, academics and practitioners are accepted definition, has not yet appeared. The resources formed from past transactions or events by enterprises owned or controlled, and the resource be expected to bring economic interests to enterprises which is called assets. Classified according to different criteria, assets can be divided into different categories. In accordance with the length of the consumption period, can be divided into current assets and long-term assets; according to the specific form, Long-term assets can also be further classified, according to whether the physical form, can be divided into tangible and intangible assets. Tangible Assets: Tangible Resources Financial: Firms cash account and cash equivalents Firms capacity to raise equity Firms borrowing capacity Physical: Modern plan and facilities Favorable manufacturing locations State of the art machinery and equipment Technological: Trade secrets Innovative production processes Patents copyrights trademarks Organizational: Effective strategic planning process Excellent evaluation and control systems Source: (Strategic Brand Management 2003) Assets that are relatively easy to identify are called tangible resources. they include the physical and financial assets that an organization uses to create value for its customers. Among them are financial resources (e.g.: a firms cash and accounts receivables as well as its ability to borrow funds) physical resources (e.g.: the companys plant equipment and machinery as well as its proximity to customers and suppliers): many firms are finding that hightech .computerized training has dual Benefits; it develops more effective employees and reduces cost at the same time ( J.B. 1991) A tangible asset is the physical form of assets, including fixed assets and current assets, tangible assets consist primarily of: housing, machinery, equipment, and other forms of assets. Narrow sense of tangible assets usually refers to fixed assets and liquidity. Generalized tangible asset including: funds, resources, products, equipment, apparatus, plant, personnel information, including all the factors of production. Generally speaking, the tangible asset is the assets of a certain kind of form. (Jobber. 2012) Existing assets to the specific material and product form, including the production of tangible assets and non-produced tangible assets. Production of tangible assets is the production activities to create assets; tangible non-produced assets are natural assets without production achieved. Production of tangible assets, including tangible fixed assets, inventory (stock) and precious items . Tangible fixed assets, that is including residential, houses and buildings, machinery and equipment, raw materials and supplies, on the move, that is finished goods, and resell the goods; Non-production of tangible assets include land resource, uncultivated biological resources and water resources.(Wilson. 2005) Tangible assets can be further divided into physical and financial assets. Physical asset is the value in use of the property or material. Financial asset is the currency and securities. The value of the tangible assets created by its physical nature, that is, given the value of tangible assets by tangible, physical and visual factors. The value of the tangible assets from its material characteristics, their property rights are intangible, but it comes from their material characteristics. Intangible Assets: Intangible Resources Human: Experience and capabilities of employees Trust Managerial skills Firm specific practices and procedures Innovation: Technical and scientific skills Innovation capacities Reputation; Brand name Reputation with customers for quality and reliability Reputation with suppliers for fairness, non-zero-sum relationships Source: (Strategic Brand Management 2003) Much more difficult for competitors and for that matter . A firms own managers to account for or imitate are intangible resources .which are typically embedded in unique routines and practices that have evolved and accumulated over time .these include human resources (e.g.; experience and capability of employees, trust ,effectiveness of work teams, managerial skills ),innovation resources (e.g., Technical and scientific expertise ,ideas and reputation resources (e.g.: brand name ,reputation with suppliers for fairness and with customers for reliability ,and product quality . a firms culture may also be a resource that provides competitive advantage. (.Barney.1991) Intangible assets refer to enterprises for the production of goods or rendering of services, for rental to others, or for administrative purposes and holds a long-term, non-monetary asset without physical form. Generalized intangible assets including financial assets, long-term equity investments, patents, trademarks, etc., because they do not have a material entity, but the performance of some kind of legal rights or technology. Intangible assets including patents, technology, brands, copyrights and royalties, the use of the land . Intangible assets can be divided into identifiable and non-identifiable intangible assets. Identifiable intangible assets, that is including patents, proprietary technology, brands, land use rights and concessions,. Intangible assets following conditions are satisfied at the same time, in order to be recognized .The intangible assets related to the economic benefits are likely to flow to the enterprise; the cost of the intangible asset can be measured reliably.( Ghemawat.1991) Role of intangible Assets ¼Ã… ¡ Use of intangible assets as security for loans (such as trademarks, patents, copyrights, equity pledge registration as security for loans), commercial registration, increase investment, equity participation, shareholders funded immaterial property, license to use, transfer, lease contract, liquidation auction; Increase brand awareness, show the strength of enterprises, enhance cohesion, brand image ¼Ã¢â‚¬ º(Jorissen. 2007) The enterprises operating intangible assets with international standards, and then enter the international market Protection of intellectual property rights claims is based requires companies to crack down on counterfeit products, infringement and litigation .Through the evaluation of Intangible assets, the business of the inventory can be completed ¼Ã…’ to provide the management information to operators thus reasonable allocation of resources. Project financing, joint venture, merger, acquisition, attract investment, investment in intangible assets, investment, Intangible assets is the core attraction of foreign investment such as commercial brand, corporate profitability, sales, channels, personnel , etc. Intangible assets capital to invest in shares can bring many benefits for the enterprise. First of all, can ease the difficulties of registered capital and increase investment. Some people want to start a business, because of lack of funds to run the new company, can use intangible assets as part of the of registered capital to be registered, especially in some high-tech enterprise, especially; The number of enterprises registered capital is too low, giving the marketing difficulties, want to increase the registered capital, but the lack of funds, then can use the immaterial property investment shares to overcome this difficulty.( Gregory 2003) In the era of the industrial economy, the economic growth is mainly dependent on the plant, equipment, funds, and in the era of knowledge economy, patents, proprietary technology, trademarks, goodwill, information, computer software and other Intangible assets of innovation and sustainable development of economic growth play a decisive role. Intangible assets unlike land, buildings, machinery and equipment as a specific physical form in front of people, but in the era of knowledge economy, it does play a role can not be ignored for the sustainable development of enterprises. In the era of knowledge economy, the process of economic globalization in further exacerbated, it should be recognized that there is a process of continuous improvement of the status and role of intangible assets, when the increasingly competitive market, the more complex the business activities, intangible assets continues to increase, while its status and role of the more trend in the core, so that the number of high-tech enterprises are facing the danger instance to be suspended because of the loss of Intangible assets and can not sell their products.( Wilson, D. 2005) Role of intangible assets in Fast-paced Technology Market: In the day-to-day purchasing behavior, will you confused with a wide variety, all kinds of brand? And do not know how to make your decisions? What are the determinists to help you to choose goods finally? Of course, we want to buy the most cost-effective products, imagine that, we can not get them to try one by one, we will proceed from experience to choose reputable manufacturers and the well-known brands. In our selection process, in fact these Intangible assets play a role in the process. It has a strong appeal and influence, sometimes forcing us to make not entirely rational choice, wonderful role of the brand is to be able to win the goodwill of consumers to obtain the trust of consumers, which products sold, win opportunities to make goods in an invincible position in the competition for a long time.( Riezebos.2003) In the context of the era of knowledge economy, the value of Intangible assets can be much higher than the tangible assets, because the value of the tangible assets, after all is limited, while the value of Intangible assets can be unlimited200 brand value rankings released by the United States in November 2003, Coca-Cola topped the brand value of up to $ 70.45 billion, which strong value of intangible assets is evident. No wonder the boss of the Coca-Cola Company said: Even now, all the property of the Coca-Cola was burned, we still can dominate the world with this brand again. This is the brands equity and also is the power of intangible assets. This kind of self-confidence and competitive advantage also reflected in other international brands. For example, Intangible assets and tangible assets ratio of 70% versus 30% respectively in the world famous Microsoft, It can be predicted that the proportion of Intangible assets will continue to expand in the future of the companys new as sets. The United States has been able to occupy a dominant position for a long in the world, relying on its powerful economic force, In fact, that is expanding the tremendous power of intangible assets which included in enterprises and products. (Saudagaran. 2001) Intangible assets growth with the support of modern marketing tools and modern technology means, its speed can be much higher than the growth of the tangible assets of the enterprise, which means giving enterprises more excess profits. Let us look at the following data: In the high-tech is widely used in the United States, the research and development expenses of non-financial firms as a percentage of GDP, rose from an average of 2.2% in 1980-1989 to an average of 2.9% in 1990-1997, The proportion of investment in the world in tangible assets fell to 14.1%. At the same time, the S P500 index reflects the market value of the main American. The companies index from 135.76 points in 1980 raised to 1342.62 points on November 20, 2000, an increase of nearly 1O times. This shows that intangible assets play an increasingly important role in the creation of enterprise value. The interaction between the tangible and intangible assets: In addition, activate tangible assets with intangible assets, is the best way for low-cost expansion, the greatest advantage is to avoid repeated investment and redundant development. It is crucial for the adjustment of economic structure, promote the virtuous circle of the whole national economy. Haier as the number one of Chinese home appliance brand, one of the features of the expansion is to make an activation of tangible assets with intangible assets, which is written into textbook as classic case of Harvard Business School. (Itami..1987) Before Haier mergers Qingdao Red Star Electric Appliance Factory, total assets of 400 million Yuan, while total liabilities amounted over to 500 million, 133 million insolvent, and the debt ratio up to 140%. After taken over by Haier Group, it was reorganized as Haier Washing Machine Corporation, and directed to employees with a series of management concepts, these ideas like an invisible hand united the almost defeated team and elevated to an orderly, self-discipline, quick job status, burst out of powerful life and been enable enterprises to gain the extraordinary development: made up the deficits and get surpluses in three months, profit $ 1.5 million in the fifth month, passed certification of the IS09001 international quality system in the Second year, won Chinese washing machine Top 10 Brands, consumers shopping preferred brand, etc; market share has risen to 22% of 100 large shopping malls in the country at the end of 1996, It rose to 28.31% the first half of 1997, five percen tage higher than the second. The International market share is far ahead of other brand in China, the number of Automatic washing machines exported to Japan has been accounted 95% of total exports, accounting of 61% total imports of Japan; On this basis, Haier Washing machine merger the Guangdong Shunde washing machine factory again as an investment holding company brand in May 1997, after that set up Shunde Haier Electric Company and resume production within two months, created people are even saying so terrible Haier speed; September 1997 in cooperation with West Lake in Hangzhou, Haier take advantage of value of intangible assets, set up the Haier Holdings Electric Company Hangzhou without invest a penny and successfully developed a series of TV with Haier brand. (Field, A . 2005) In June 2001, the Haier Groups acquired global line of credit of 300 million U.S. dollars from the Bank of China, This is the bank of China the first and the only time to give China enterprise a global credit in China. With the global credit of Bank of China, Haier financing approval procedures will be greatly simplified, the domestic and foreign investment projects within 300 million US dollars will be more rapid and timely service; In addition, the Bank of China branches and agencies around the world will give Haier Group worldwide localization financing to facilitate. Haier brand value there are 74.9 billion Yuan in 2006, equivalent to nearly $ 10 billion. The value created by a brand is far beyond than several generation of peoples hard work. Haier could not successfully obtain such wholesale funding without such huge brand effect of Haier. Trends of Intangible assets: Intangible assets can bring huge profits for the enterprise, profit has a powerful allure and penetrating power, right here only cited one case to illustrate this. Lets look at the World Brand Lab recently announced 2008 World Brand 500: Harvard University ranked first; Coca-Cola second in the world; Citibank ranked third in the world; Google ranked fourth; Mercedes-Benz the worlds fifth; Wal-Mart the world rankings sixth; Microsoft the world ranked seventh; McDonald ranked eighth in the world; International business opportunities ranked ninth in the world; Apple Computer the worlds tenth. These world-class brands, its brand value is amazing, Coca-Cola reached $ 55 billion, the highest IBM brand value of $ 59 billion, Googles $ 25.5 billion in 2005 alone. (Selam Nuri 2012). With the extensive use of knowledge, technology and information in the social production and life, the human social economic form gradually changed from the agricultural and industrial to knowledge industries. (Gu. F. and Lev, B .2002).The 21st century is the era of the knowledge economy (Knowledge Economy), the knowledge economy is an economic form based on knowledge resources, its significant characteristics: Knowledge intensive technology as the foundation of the knowledge industry or new and high technology industries, has become the core of the entire industry, it is the major driving force for a country to obtain a long-term competitive advantage and sustainable socio-economic growth boosters. The arrival of the knowledge economy is a result of the development of high-tech industries, on preliminary information developed countries in the world, their computers, electronics, and aerospace and other high-tech industrial output and employment growth is the fastest. High-tech enter prise intangible assets accounted is bigger for the proportion of total assets in comparison with the traditional enterprise The high-tech enterprises are typical of knowledge and intellectual support enterprises, it has a high quality of intangible assets as a prerequisite, rich in scientific and technological content of its products are technically complex, a high degree of innovation, the short lifetime of the product guide the demand characteristics. Currently, many U.S. high technology enterprise intangible assets has more than 60% of total assets. In the Microsoft does not have raw materials, plant and equipment on a large scale, It has a main resource is the wisdom of the people, have the product is in the floppy disk and the floppy disk that contains knowledge. Although Microsoft does not have the characteristics of the traditional large enterprises on the surface, but its enterprise value is more than General Motors Corporation in the United States and other giant enterprises, become a truly high-tech industry giant, the only one reason is that Microsoft has a huge amount of intangible assets. The economic benefits of Knowledge which created by intangible assets has constituted the main body of the economic benefits of high-tech enterprises. In summary, there is no new and high technology enterprise without these invisible assets. (Gunnar Hedlund.2012.) Conclusion: The assets are the most important economic resources of an enterprise. Under conventional economic conditions, tangible assets relative to intangible assets in a more scarce position, the knowledge contained in the companys products and technology content is not high, the core position in the competition tangible assets rather than intangible assets; In the era of knowledge economy, the role and status of intangible assets is rising, intangible assets play an increasingly important role in the economic development, competition among enterprises has evolved into a competition intangible assets such as knowledge, technology, management ability and innovation ability. Intangible assets of the enterprise is becoming a key element in the survival and development of enterprises, it is an important value source of enterprise. Especially in the high-tech enterprises, the crystallization of the knowledge and wisdom of the patent, patented technology, goodwill, trademarks, research and develop ment, franchise and other intangible assets have gradually become the most important resource instead of tangible assets. For science and technology as the core of the high-tech enterprises, its asset structure is different from the general characteristics of enterprises that intangible assets in a larger proportion of total assets, in other words, value creation of high-tech enterprises will mainly depend on intangible assets, thereby intangible assets has a more important meaning in the high-tech enterprises.( Keller.2003) A large number of foreign findings show that: the intangible assets of the value of the enterprise to create an important role and can make a significant contribution; there is a strong correlation between the value of intangible assets and the companys market; intangible assets information disclosure status will affect the development of the capital market, the investors investment income and business growth. Be seen from the above: intangible assets so important for businesses; this trend has been vividly interpreted by Larry Wright whos the famous Brand strategy experts in American. Owns the market more important than having the factory, and the only way to have a market is to have the brand as intangible as the core which is dominant in the market.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Thomas Hardy sometimes uses the landscape to reflect mood of his charac
Thomas Hardy sometimes uses the landscape to reflect mood of his characters. Choose two brief extracts (about two pages each) where he does this; one when Tess is happy and another when she is not. How does Hardy reflect Tess's mood through landscape in these extracts? 1) Thomas Hardy sometimes uses the landscape to reflect mood of his characters. Choose two brief extracts (about two pages each) where he does this; one when Tess is happy and another when she is not. How does Hardy reflect Tess's mood through landscape in these extracts? How does Lawrence use setting and place in 'Tickets Please'? How do these two writers manage to convey a sense of the time at which these stories are written? The first extract I have chosen to analyse in Tess of the D'Urbervilles when Tess is happy is In the Rally XVI on page 132-134. This melts in to the happy mood of Tess as she has set out from home for the second time to the Talbothays dairy, where she meets Angel. In employing the Nature motif into Hardy's work, he has been able to use it to describe the character feelings. The second extract in which nature echo's Tess's not so happy mood is 'The Maiden No More' XVI, pages 109-110. Hardy has used the language in the Rally XVI extract to show what state of mind Tess is in. Firstly he uses adverbs that help to set the mood, and give the landscape a more vivid description. Examples of some of the adverbs Hardy uses are, 'luxuriantly', 'intensely', 'wonderfully', 'profusely', 'continually'. These words are all associated with happiness and cheeriness and do not give the text a sense of gloom, and are generally enthusiastic words. Tess also describes the landscape as being, 'more cheering' in the Rally, and th... ...ters have used the settings to set their characters moods. Hardy has distinctly done this making it quite obvious for a reader to pick out grammatical and philosophical elements. Lawrence has used the setting to determine what will happen to the characters and what sort of climax or twist that he wants to build into the story. This is evident in the beginning of Tickets Please when a gloomy atmosphere is set, making one of the protagonist's Annie, feeling dull and not aroused. Then Lawrence uses the exciting funfair to set the mood of love and passion, and then finally the climax of the fight, fortified by description of the room. In conclusion both writers have similar ways of expressing the scenery through usage of grammatical tools, but different ways of displaying this, and have variations in their style of writing and the intensity of the language. Thomas Hardy sometimes uses the landscape to reflect mood of his charac Thomas Hardy sometimes uses the landscape to reflect mood of his characters. Choose two brief extracts (about two pages each) where he does this; one when Tess is happy and another when she is not. How does Hardy reflect Tess's mood through landscape in these extracts? 1) Thomas Hardy sometimes uses the landscape to reflect mood of his characters. Choose two brief extracts (about two pages each) where he does this; one when Tess is happy and another when she is not. How does Hardy reflect Tess's mood through landscape in these extracts? How does Lawrence use setting and place in 'Tickets Please'? How do these two writers manage to convey a sense of the time at which these stories are written? The first extract I have chosen to analyse in Tess of the D'Urbervilles when Tess is happy is In the Rally XVI on page 132-134. This melts in to the happy mood of Tess as she has set out from home for the second time to the Talbothays dairy, where she meets Angel. In employing the Nature motif into Hardy's work, he has been able to use it to describe the character feelings. The second extract in which nature echo's Tess's not so happy mood is 'The Maiden No More' XVI, pages 109-110. Hardy has used the language in the Rally XVI extract to show what state of mind Tess is in. Firstly he uses adverbs that help to set the mood, and give the landscape a more vivid description. Examples of some of the adverbs Hardy uses are, 'luxuriantly', 'intensely', 'wonderfully', 'profusely', 'continually'. These words are all associated with happiness and cheeriness and do not give the text a sense of gloom, and are generally enthusiastic words. Tess also describes the landscape as being, 'more cheering' in the Rally, and th... ...ters have used the settings to set their characters moods. Hardy has distinctly done this making it quite obvious for a reader to pick out grammatical and philosophical elements. Lawrence has used the setting to determine what will happen to the characters and what sort of climax or twist that he wants to build into the story. This is evident in the beginning of Tickets Please when a gloomy atmosphere is set, making one of the protagonist's Annie, feeling dull and not aroused. Then Lawrence uses the exciting funfair to set the mood of love and passion, and then finally the climax of the fight, fortified by description of the room. In conclusion both writers have similar ways of expressing the scenery through usage of grammatical tools, but different ways of displaying this, and have variations in their style of writing and the intensity of the language.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Chlorine Essay -- essays research papers fc
Chlorine Chlorine is (at room temperature) a greenish-yellow gas that can be readily liquefied at 5170 Tarr or 6.8 atmospheres, at 20 C (68 F), and has a very disagreeable odor. It’s Element Symbol is Cl, atomic number is 17, and atomic mass is 35.453. Chlorine’s melting point is -101 C or 149.8 F. The boiling point is -34.05 C or -29.29 F, at one atmosphere pressure. Chlorine is a member of the halogen group. Chlorine was discovered by Swedish scientist Karl Wilhelm in 1784, but he first thought it was a compound, rather than an element. In 1810, Sir Humphrey Davy named it Chlorine, from the Greek word meaning "greenish-yellow". Chlorine is used in bleaching agents, disinfectants, monomers (plastics), solvents, and pesticides. It is also used for bleaching paper pulp and other organic materials, preparing bromine, (a poisonous element that at room temperature is a dark, reddish-brown), tetraethyl lead, and killing germs in water, particularly in swimming pools and hot tubs. Like every member of the halogen group, chlorine has a tendency to gain one electron and become a chloride ion. Chlorine strongly reacts with metals to form mostly water-soluble chlorides. Chlorine also strongly reacts with nonmetals such as sulfur, phosphorus, and other halogens. If you were to mix hydrogen and chlorine gases and keep them in a cool dark place, the mixture would be stable, but if it were exposed to sunlight, it wo...
Friday, October 11, 2019
International Security Essay
Guarantee of international security to the global community forms basis for sustainable development and holistic wellbeing of the human race. This is possibly due to the need for inclusive harmony between the social, economic, cultural, and environmental demands that derive the required operationalization platform for progress. However, this has turned out to be a mirage, perhaps non existent to many as security issues take an exceptionally wide derivation from a global perspective. It is from this demand that this essay seeks to establish the extent to which various emergent issues like environment, population, food security, and women issues should be inculcated on the international security studies (Craig, 2008, pp. 380-383) . 2. Paper overview Following the worsening of global status in relation to security issues, there is needed refocus on the need for inculcation of the new aspects in the security studies. Therefore, this paper explores the international security approaches and major issues that warrant reconsideration in relation to global stability and development. Besides, it evaluates the significance of such aspects refocus in the current security status and the future of security with and without these issues consideration. 3. Historical derivation and approaches to international security Historically, the notion of international security took a narrow consideration that limited it only to a realist construct. Under the theorem of traditional security paradigm, the state was referred as the object of security where the world powers sought and entrusted global security through balance of power by different states. It is worth noting that balance of power relied on anarchistic principles that deemed states to have ‘rational’ interest in the establishment of policies projected at harboring absolute power. Therefore, security was widely seen as protection from invasion as exemplified in proxy conflicts (Cynthia, 2008, 232-234). Indeed, it was from this notion coupled with emergent consumerism patterns and modern development that security studies revitalization is long overdue. Currently, international security falls under the realms of international organizations and nations where measures that seek mutual survival and safety are enforced. Such measures take the form of diplomatic agreements such as conventions, treaties, and military actions to the member/s who violate the laws (Owen, 2004, pp. 78-81). Though this system has been operation for a long time with high levels of efficiency, analysts have demanded that referent for security take greater reflection of the individual’s consideration as opposed to unilateral focus on securing the boarders of individual states. 4. Current status and inherent issues in security Though international security has undergone major changes since the end of the cold war, scholars are demanding refocus into the notion of the term in relation to international cohesion and local communities’ stability. Specific issues with current and/ or future negative implications require to be given a better focus that secures intra-generational equity. a). ENVIRONMENT Environment is possibly one of the major areas that require an intrinsic review and inclusion into the security studies globally. It is worth noting that all the aspects of global development are entirely dependent on environment which bores them. However, the misleading notion that the earth’s resources are â€Å"infinite†and has â€Å"infinite†resilience capacity has led to the following issues. Global warming Since the first United Nations Convention on Human Environment in 1972, concerns for environment has taken a clearer stage in the global arena. However, it was the Rio Summit that fully acknowledged global warming to be an international threat. Global warming is the increase in the average temperatures since mid twentieth century and its projected continuation. According to Agenda 21 of the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, and its latter derivative Kyoto Protocol, global warming is a major present and future threat to human existence on the planet (Tony, 2009, pp. 3). The demand for this notion factoring on the security studies is linked with its resilient effects that are indicated by the International Panel on Climate Change to continue getting severe in the next 50-100 years. Though many countries have held a low profile in embracing the concept of the causes of global warming as green house gases emissions, it has been proved beyond reasonable doubt and effects visible to all. Through this rise in global temperatures, excess thawing of polar waters has resulted to major submergence of coastal habitat. Regions like Kimberly in Australia, Venice in Italy, and New Orleans in New Jersey have recorded major submergence. Besides, other regions located in the coasts of Indonesia and East Africa have experienced massive floods. These events lead to massive loss of human life and properties and demand for relocation. Besides, the rising temperatures have seen increase in desertification globally and resurgence of the tropical parasites and affiliated diseases. This forms another platform for increasing poverty among the pastoral communities especially for the marginalized drier regions. Sahara region of Africa is especially at great risk of spreading to the rest of the continent with the current rates of global warming (World Bank (COR), 2008, pp. 107-110). Expanding the security studies to address the issue a). Use of modern technology The major sources of greenhouse gases as indicated in the discussion are industrial activities globally. The study should therefore seek to embrace systems that are modernistic in approach and that have greater levels of efficiency in their internal combustion systems. By encouraging such systems, it would reduce the overall fossil fuels consumption while cutting drastically the total emissions to the atmosphere. Scrubbers and catalytic systems should also be encouraged during the study to further reduce the amount of gases being released to the atmosphere as proposed by the Kyoto Protocol (Mark, 2009, pp. 1-2). b). Forestry and agro-forestry Arguably, the ability to effect natural geochemical cycles would increase the overall green house gases absorption. These systems should be encouraged in the studies and in practice as they have multiple benefits to the individuals, nation, and the planet by assimilating the excess carbon dioxide released from the industrial processes. However the studies should establish systems of international cooperation through carbon trading between the greenhouse gas emitters and the foresters as an important aspect in addressing the problem holistically. Such systems have been affected by EU member states and should be emulated. c) Use of alternative fuel sources With the future of the fossil fuels becoming slimmer and slimmer, the studies should seek alternative sources as a replacement but most importantly less polluting considerations. Bio-fuels, solar energy, and wind energy that are much more environmentally sustainable should be established as a guarantee of total reduction of emissions to only the levels that have no effects to the atmosphere and can be assimilated by the global natural systems. B). POPULATION MIGRATION The number of people living outside their countries of origin has doubled in the in about 35 years to 2005. About 2.9% of the total world population are migrants and mostly represent shift of the people from the poorer countries to the developed economies. In Western Europe, the migrant population rose from 18.7 million and 32.8 million only in three decades to the year 2000. This has been compounded by the existence of economic union under EU which advocates for free movement of labor in the member states (Maggie, 2005, pp. 65-69). Global effects of excessive migration a). To the environment Most of the developed countries where people shift to have consumerism patterns that are highly encourage environmental degradation. Compared to the developing countries, the migrant populations assume these characteristics with speed increasing resources withdrawal from the natural system. Though the analysts have taken a low profile towards the problem, it is possibly due to the low numbers of the immigrants that have obscured the effects. However, the current trends are alarming and should be addressed well in advance before they get to the critical levels. b). Masking the problems of the sending countries Most of the immigrants’ countries of origin have massive problems related to poverty, illiteracy, high population, food insecurity and low lifespan among others. By establishing the ideology that outward shift harbors the main solution to their inherent problems is a gross miscalculation and therefore practically wrong. It is worth noting that in most of the cases, the shifting populations constitute the literate group in these countries a notion that fully compromises their overall ability to grow and develop economically, socially and politically (Adelman, 2001, pp. 15-21). c). Urban problems Arguably, immigrants usually shift in search for greener pastures which in most of the cases turn out to be in industries for the developed countries. As a result, there is strong increase in the number of people living in various towns from the immigrating numbers. Though this problem has not reached acute levels, it is projected that many of the towns will soon outgrow their holding capacities. This would be accompanied by major social problems of town development like crime and sanitation. It is estimated that a growth by more than 10 million in UK by the year 2074 would outdo of the current towns’ handling capacity and therefore demanding about 57 more towns of the size of Luton (OPT, 2009, pp. 1-2).
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Autobiography Essay
As a child, I suffered hardships in many areas of my life, so much so, that even as a young child, I knew my life was considerably different than other children my age. While most children were carefree and out playing, I was inside cooking for myself, cleaning up the house, or watching after my mother. These were normal duties for me and had been for the past 2 years. My mother was in the prime of her addiction and nothing else in life seemed to matter except her drugs and her next high. I did what I had to do to take care of myself, my home, and my mom. I always believed she would wake up one day and realize what she was doing and make things right, end all the madness that my life had become. Norman Vincent Peale once said, â€Å"In every difficult situation is potential value. Believe this, then begin looking for it. †The potential value, the opportunity came looking for me. The Department of Family and Children Services showed up at my house when I was 9 years old. A new neighbor had called and complained that my mother was not fulfilling her duties as a mother and that they were worried about me. DFCS placed me with the Nelson Family, a grounded, stable, and devoutly religious foster family that promised to give me a better life. They were part of Winshape Homes, an organization of foster homes that was founded and supported by Truett Cathy, the founded of Chick-fil-a. Rosemary and Rob, my foster parents, were licensed to have up to 15 children at a time in the household, so I viewed them as experts at raising kids. They showered me with unconditional love and showed me what a â€Å"real†family was all about. Even with 12 other siblings in the household, they took care of our individual needs, loved us the way we needed to be loved, and taught us everything they could. I spent 9 wonderful years with them before I graduated high school and moved onto college. I was dealt a bad hand, so to say, as a child, but I wouldnt change anything in my past. Everything I went through made me stronger, helped me to appreciate what I have, and has taught me to not take things for granted. My mother was never there for me but I am an awesome mother to my children because of her. I am thankful for the family I have now and I am grateful that I have lessons and wisdom to teach my kids. There is always a light at the end of the tunnel, but you have to make it through the tunnel before you see the light.
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Global Consultants Business Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Global Consultants Business Plan - Essay Example Businesses must also not disregard cultural concerns. They should set up specialists to ensure that their business' giveaways or advertisements do not go against any cultural norms. Businesses should also be adaptable regarding the advertising arrangement. For instance, Italy and Hong Kong set restrictions on cash prizes, while current policies in Canada have challenged the ability to organize a skill competition with a prerequisite purchase. There are usually simple workarounds like offering an alternative means of entry or prize. Businesses should also be ready to run the campaign structure differently. Some countries might require different methods of promotion administration and advertising. For instance, drawings may need to be locally held and witnessed by certain officials, and winners informed by certain means. Some provinces might require that the rules and promotion be in the language or dialect of the locality, while others might require newspaper publication. Also, in so me countries, some campaigns may need to be registered. Privacy law also differs from one country to another. Thus, the utilization, transmitting, accumulation, or gathering of exclusive data needs particular deliberation. Also, businesses should not believe that since a country in a specific territory allows a certain system that it will be permitted in all areas in that territory. Country-specific understanding of rules will spell a big difference. Lastly, businesses should budget funds and time to get it correctly accomplished. Synchronizing the legal issues in several regions is definitely more costly and time consuming than doing business in the U.S. alone. Be prepared to add around half a month to the time frame if the business intends on going global. Summary of the Business Plan The Philippine situation is presently characterized by the facts that investment appetites are low, budgets are being slashed, businesses are cutting costs, and times are tough. Being aware of this situation, Global Consultants (GC) has concluded that its potential clients would be interested in doing things in a smarter way, with adequate support of competent and dependable market intelligence. Global Consultants knows that it can offer both value creations and solutions to its potential clients. The senior consultants have been working with some highly regarded U.S.-based multi-national businesses for many years, andhave wide knowledge of Southeast Asian business environments. The company will aim to provide marketing services to targeted business environments in the Southeast Asia region, particularly the Philippines. The target start of operations is January 2009. Mission GC will offer businesses an excellent, dependable option to in-house resources for channel development, industrial sectors analysis, market intelligence, market development, and business development on a global range. A proper alternative to in house resources offers an exceptionally sophisticated practical experience, skill, connections, and privacy. Clients must be aware that working with the company is a less risky and more professional method of developing new areas compared to working in-house with their own employees. GC should be also able to maintain financial stability, charging a high value for its services and delivering an even higher worth of output to its clients. Primary focus will be expansion in the Southeast
Tuesday, October 8, 2019
Significance of Place in the Context of Globalization Assignment
Significance of Place in the Context of Globalization - Assignment Example Among the many movements, globalization had and is also having a major impact in various places or parts of the world. Globalisation literally means the transformation of local phenomena into a global one and when Doreen Massey’s conceptualization of place is analyzed from globalization context, it is clear that place cannot be a static and it will become a ‘global’ sense of place or even a global village or place. So, this paper will analyze how the advent of globalization is turning our globe into a global village, with boundaries between places and countries being erased or merged and how it is impacting the social place. Globalisation is a practice of interacting and mixing or assimilation among people, companies and governments of different places or countries whose signature feature is international industrial and financial business structure. Globalisation may be thought of as the widening, deepening and speeding up of worldwide interconnectedness in all aspects of contemporary social life, from the cultural to the criminal, the financial to the spiritually. More formally, globalization can be categorized as a process that embodies a transformation in the spatial organization of social relations and transactions (Wiley, Nandi & Shahidullah 1998, p. 21). Hyperglobalism conceive globalization as a new age of economic integration that is characterized by open trade, global financial flows as well as multinational corporations. Hyperglobalism is driven by capitalism, communications, and transportation technology, integration into one world market and it is increasingly eroding state power and legitima cy. However another perspective is, and one that spans the entire politico-ideological spectrum - consists of what might be called the hyper-globalists, who argue that we live in a borderless world in which the national.
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